safe harbor

You know when you read, hear, or watch something that sticks with you for years to come and yet, you aren’t sure *why*? After I read the books to our girls (years ago) we watched, “The Series of Unfortunate Events” film (I love the books, movie, and tv series – please don’t judge me harshly) and one scene never really left me. The Baudelaire children were embarking on a life alone, without their parents. They found themselves alone in the world, their parents recently dying. This particular moment resonated for me. I’ve never forgot it and think of it often – the idea of “sanctuary.” In all honesty, that’s all I’ve ever wanted from a home. Sure, I enjoy moving around furniture and finding unique estate sale finds (and filling our space with books, let’s be honest.) However, the end goal has always been to make a place of refuge – for our family and those who are welcomed in – from this very, very troubling world.

One day my children will move on. But it is my sincere hope that this place, this specific address, our home, will always be a sanctuary. A destination for them and many others, where they can return to and be comforted.

When we moved into our house we knew we would stay here (save something unforeseen) for the rest of our lives. And so we embarked on making it a home, little by little. Our largest project thus far has been to renovate the large back room that sits just over the garage. They used it as an office and storage for her large, embroidery equipment, hence the elevator you see on the left of this photo. It’s a huge room, had three closets, an industrial lift, and linoleum flooring. It sat largely untouched since we moved in, almost three years ago. It was time.

And so, we did it. We painted, took out two of the three closets, and got rid of the lift (which was QUITE an ordeal.) We couldn’t be happier and feel so grateful.

Do you see Sean working? We found that desk sitting on the side of the road for trash pickup. He now calls it, “The Headmaster Desk” because he can correct the children while they do schoolwork.
Finding low bookshelves (that weren’t made of particle board) was surprisingly difficult. Now I think I need to get a few more….
We found this piece at a Goodwill shop for such a good price.
This drafting table is for the girls to work on their art projects, but we all have a feeling Frankie will use it the most.

Anyhow, thanks for indulging this personal share. I’m just so darn happy about this space.


  1. Jamie says:

    I love this! There’s not a lot of things that are more satisfying to me than a good before-and-after. Ha! I’ve enjoyed reading your blog posts. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. marylemonn says:

    It looks amazing, friend!! Love how you styled the tops of the bookshelves!!! ❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  3. laurieannjackson says:

    I really love this! Great job.
    I can also see Frankie there often! The lil artist!


  4. shelldbell says:

    This is amazing!! My living room and kitchen are painted a similar color. It gives me so much joy.


  5. Melissa says:

    The space looks amazing!!!!!! Wowowowow! Can’t wait to show maddie!


  6. Naomi says:

    Thank you for sharing, what an incredible difference, I completely understand you’re happy with it. And I never ever get enough of a glimpse of your surroundings, especially framed in those windows (and my children and I are with you on the Baudelaire kids’ stories, I don’t know many people who do like them, glad with this shoutout!)


  7. Elizabeth T says:

    What a beautiful space and perfect for learning and working together as a family! It’s lovely.


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